Monday, September 19, 2011


What is photography? Photography is the art of creating unique pictures and showing a different type of emotion in each.  In today’s time, photography has also become a powerful means of communication and a mode of visual expression that touches human life in many ways. The rule of thirds somewhat relates to photography.  The rule states that that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equally-spaced horizontal and vertical lines.  Important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections.  Composition is the placement and arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art.  It can also be thought of as the organization of the elements of art according to the principles of art.  In photography, composition means to “put together” or “adding effects”.  Shutter speed is used to determine how blurry the photograph will turn out. On a low shutter speed, the photo will turn out to be more blurry than one on a higher shutter speed, which will cause a freeze frame.  Aperture is similar; it helps the photo focus on different areas by controlling the amount of light that enters the camera.  The way our photos turn out as a motion blur or a freeze frame shot is determines by the shutter speed; higher shutter speed causes freeze frame as to a lower shutter speed can cause a motion blur.  Photography has seven basic camera shots: extreme wide shot, very wide shot, wide shot, mid shot, medium close up, close up, and extreme close up.  Lastly are some photo commands.  Aperture and shutter speed are photo commands found on a camera, they also include the manual and automatic settings.

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