Thursday, December 8, 2011

White Balance Outdoors

White Balance
        Color balance refers to rendering colors produced by cameras and other electronics, while white balance is the process of removing unrealistic color casts, so objects that are white remain white. There are seven different settings in white balance including: Auto, Incandescent, Fluorescent, Direct Sunlight, Flash, Cloudy, and Shade. Tungsten is another word for Incandescent, which is used for shooting photos indoors using bulb lighting. Tungsten “warms up” the colors in photos, making them look as if there is a bluish tint to them. Another setting for white balance is Fluorescent. It’s used for shooting outdoors and it “cools down” the colors in photos. Also, when an image has a color cast, the pictures aren’t normal.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Child Abuse

Child Abuse is a physical, sexual, emotional mistreatment (or neglect) of children all around the world. Every thirteen seconds, 1 out of 7 children in the U.S. are abused; six die every day. Nearly all cases of child abuse result in death of the victim and life sentences to the abuser. According to most, child abuse is “any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation, an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.”  50% of abuses are caused by family members such as parents and close relatives. Most abuses occur in the child’s home, schools, and other places the child may interact with. Child abuse could take many forms; the four main types are physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, and psychological/emotional abuse.

Monday, November 28, 2011

PSA thing

The message of this piece is to help stop child abuse. The audience is the world and additional messages include that child abuse leads to several hundred deaths a year and six a day. This piece gathers the basic information of child abuse and expresses it in the poster.  It’s a non-fiction event. The artist used pictures, words, and images to convey their message along with the faces of children who went through child abuse. The artist of the poster bolded the important information needed to know about abuse like, "six child die from child abuse everyday in the US.."